Thursday, February 27, 2014

Air mass

Lesson Aim for Air Mass

  • What is Air Masses and how they form?
  • What are the different type of Air Masses?
  • What are the Continental, Martine, Tropical and Polar Air?
  • Where each type of Air masses came from?
  • How each Air affect the weather?

Essential Question

  • What types of air masses exist on Earth?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Plate tectonic theory

Question:Do you agree with the theory of plate tectonics?

 Plate Tectonics is one idea of Earth Science. Plate Tectonics say before 200 million years, Earth only had one land and that call "Pangaea" but now we has 7 lands, Why? because Plate are moving. Now Pangaea are divide by 7 part. When mantle are moving, plate are move together and that is create plate moving.

Some time Earth had big wave,  we call that Earth quake. But why Earth quake are happening? some time is cause by Faults, and some time it's cause by plate boundary. When plates moving, some time it's create big wave. this wave is Earth quake. So Earth quake is on big evidence. If plate are not moving, Earth quake are not happening.

see this diagram. This diagram show Africa and South America. This both land has same edge. and some time both land has same fossil. This mean before Africa and South America are one land but now they are be separated.

Now Plate are still moving but it's so slowly. Some scientist think after 250 million year Earthlook like this.イメージ 3 

Monday, December 16, 2013


Two Presentation by Prezi



And Earthquake!

Video of Animoto

This is my Video by Animoto!


Monday, October 14, 2013

Massive Movement Project

Phase of the moon

  1.  Luna Revolution(月の公転) ... Moon move around the Earth.
  2. Luna Revolution Lenght(公転期間) ... Moon the 1 month (27.3days) to move around the Earth.
  3. Phase of the moon(月の満ち欠け)... Moon have 9 phase. sunlight, Luna revolution, Earth revolution make different phase.
  4. Waxing(上弦の月) ... Moon phase go to bigger. (Between New moon ~ Full moon)
  5. Waning(下弦の月)... Moon phase go to smaller. (Between Full moon ~ new Moon)
  6.  New moon(新月) ... If you see sky on the New moon you can't see nothing.
  7. (Waxing, Waning) Gibbous moon(凸月) ... one phase of the moon. More then Crescent moon, but less then Quarter moon.
  8. (1st, 3rd) Quarter moon(半月) ... I think half moon is more popular name. We can see half part of moon.
  9. Crescent moon(三日月) ... It's look like banana.
  10. Full moon(満月) ... Most beautiful phase of the moon. people can see all part.

 All night people wach up the sky, but not all day moon phase is not same. Phase of the moon is change every day. Moon is move around the Earth and we call this Luna revolution. (Moon take 30 day to move around the Earth.)
New moon is one phase of the moon.  If today is new moon, we can't wach any moon on the sky. Crescent moon is look like banana, and Quarter moon is only half part sow by sunlught.
Gibbous moon is middle of Crescent moon and Quarter moon. Full moon is mons beautiful phase of the moon. we can see all of the moon.


moon phase_koyuki from Kara MacDevitt on Vimeo.

*Critical Thinking Question
Earth movement is make Season and Moon phase to Earth. Thay affect to human and animal on the Earth. some animal are adapt by place for season.

  • I enjoy to make video! I don't know my video is good, but I like to creat some thing on computer.
  • Use Imovie is mon challenging part for me. I don't know anything about this software.
  • How to take video and edit thing on video.
  • Yes. I can make more good movie if I can get more time.    

Tuesday, September 24, 2013